Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

At Merge Investigations, Inc. we know that effective fraud management is a fundamental requirement of good claim handling. That’s why our industry-leading SIU & Fraud Abatement Program has been embraced by a multitude of third-party administrators, insurance carriers and self-insured entities.
Merge Investigations, Inc. administers both national and regional SIU anti-fraud programs throughout the country and works directly with applicable state fraud bureaus, state attorney offices, and attorney general offices. With a proven track record of arrests, convictions, and enforced restitution orders resulting from our SIU investigations, our program offers measurable cost savings to our clients.
The Merge SIU Department provides our partners with SIU services beyond those of a traditional vendor. The advantages and resources gained by contracting with Merge Investigations, Inc.’s SIU Program are unique with many value-added benefits:
- Compliant state fraud plan filings
- Verified claim savings
- Restitution and monitored collection
- Progressive employee/corporate training programs
- Anti-fraud workplace awareness materials
- 50-state SIU fraud reporting & compliance
- National rate structure with positive revenue outcomes
- Fiduciary responsibility to policyholders
- Consistent investigative results backed by our full range of services