Background Investigations

The best way to assess an individual’s credibility is by taking an in-depth look into his or her past. Merge Investigations, Inc. uses the latest research techniques, subscriber-based resources and public archives to obtain accurate historical information about a person or entity.
While many other Private Investigation firms rely solely upon the information found in online and public records, the Background Investigation department at Merge has established connections with the counties and municipalities that are not included in those public databases.
We also conduct extensive records verification efforts to provide you with the most comprehensive results available.
Always focused on the needs of our clients, Merge Investigations, Inc. offers a wide range of Background Investigation services that can be fully customized based on your desired outcome:
- Criminal/civil background checks
- Record searches (police reports, EMS reports, etc.)
- Social Security Number verification
- Driver history search
- Business research reports
- Asset checks
- Locate investigations
- Registered vehicle check
- Judgements & liens
- Pre-employment investigations
- Professional license search
- Full comprehensive background checks